Does Rice Make You Fat? Discover the Whole Truth

Does Rice Make You Fat

Rice is considered the most consumed cereal in the world. It is nutritious and easily digestible, but does rice make you fat?
In today’s article, you will know once and for all if rice makes you fat. You will also learn about the main types of rice and all their properties.

Rice is the basic food

Rice is considered the most consumed cereal in the world. Today it is the basis of the diet of many countries in Asia and South America.
Such is its importance that in countries like Bangladesh and Cambodia it represents three-quarters of the population’s diet.

Rice prevents thousands of people in the world from starving.

The origin of rice is located in Asia where it has been cultivated for 7000 years. It began to be cultivated in the tropical zones of Asia and from there it managed to adapt to other zones.
There are many varieties of rice but most of them come from the Asian species Oryza sativa.
But let’s leave the varieties for later…
Keep reading, let’s now see the main properties of rice.

What are Rice properties?

It is true that if we consume too much energy we gain weight. But at the same time, energy is necessary for your body to function properly. In fact, carbohydrates are said to be our body’s fuel.

But rice, in addition to carbohydrates, also contains proteins and other elements that vary depending on the variety.
So, let’s see the main types of rice and their properties.

1. Properties of white rice.

White rice is undoubtedly the type of rice most consumed and known by all. We can find it in any supermarket and it stands out for having a very low economic cost.
However, white rice is not the option that suits you best, since in its preparation it loses many of its properties.
White rice is produced after husking and polishing the grain. The remaining is mostly starch. It is what we know as refined rice.
Here comes the important thing:

White rice loses 85% of its vitamins, fiber, and much of its minerals due to refining.

2. Brown rice properties.

Brown rice is rice that has had the husk removed but not the pericarp (the outermost part of the grain)
Brown rice keeps all the nutrients intact. It is being richer in iron, selenium, and B vitamins. It also stands out for its high fiber content.

The fiber in brown rice is essential as it helps carbohydrates to be absorbed more slowly.

Fiber also manages to keep blood glucose at stable levels. Preventing hunger peaks from appearing throughout the day prevents the accumulation of fat.

3. Red rice properties.

Red rice is a very popular type of brown rice consumed mainly in Asian countries. In addition, this type of rice is used in medicine such as to lower cholesterol and control blood sugar levels.

Red rice gets its characteristic color due to the fermentation of brown rice along with a type of yeast called Monascus Purpureus.
If brown rice already has numerous properties, the benefits of Monocholine are added to red rice.

Red rice with Monacolin decreases the production of bad cholesterol.

4. Black rice properties.

Black rice or emperor rice is a type of rice well-known in China. On the other hand, in Europe, it is not easy to obtain and it is considered as a Gourmet food.

Nowadays it is very fashionable due to its wonderful nutritional properties. Black or Venere rice stands out for its high content of vegetable proteins (up to 10 grams per 100 grams of product). It is ideal if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Among its main benefits:

  • It has high antioxidant power.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Protector of the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system.
  • It has 4 times more iron than other rice.
  • It also adds all the properties of brown rice.

You must be clear that the varieties of brown rice will provide you with greater nutritional value and its high fiber content will prevent carbohydrates from being transformed into fats.

So, we advise you:

Always choose brown rice, it is less fattening and much more nutritious

But if you still doubt whether rice makes you fat, keep reading. I am going to enter fully into the main topic of the article. Let’s clarify once and for all if it is a myth or a reality.

Does rice make you fat?

When we talk about rice we all think that it is a fattening food.

However, in Southeast Asia, where rice is the most consumed product, obesity rates are below 10%. Curious, right?

That people who eat more than half of their daily calories in the form of complex carbohydrates are less obese

Although it may seem contradictory, in diets to prevent weight gain, complex carbohydrates should be equal to 50% of the total energy intake.

Of course, it is important to insist that carbohydrates should be integral to control and slow down their absorption into the blood.

Rice is not fattening if eaten in the right measure.

Does rice make you fat at night?

The night is the time of day when we usually reduce our physical activity, it is when our body relaxes. As I told you, rice is a food rich in carbohydrates and that provides great energy.

So if we eat too much rice at night, it is likely that most of that energy is not needed. As expected, the body will store the remaining energy in the form of fat, favoring the overweight.

We can then conclude that:

Rice will be more beneficial in the meal since this is when your body is in full activity.

If we choose to eat rice at dinner, I recommend you do it as a side dish not exceeding 40g, and of course, always choose a whole grain variety.
Rice by itself is not fattening, but as it is a very energetic food, it must be taken in moderation.


Rice is a very energetic food that also provides a large amount of nutrients as long as you choose the wholemeal version.
There is no food that makes you fat or loses weight. The key is always to use it in the correct amounts for your needs.
Take advantage of the article and be encouraged to discover all kinds of varieties such as red rice or black rice. I am sure you will discover incredible flavors.

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